This list contains the world records set by members of the "Rekord-Klub SAXONIA" (in italic letters: Records that have been broken)

Haruna Abdulazeez (Nigeria):
handball control with feet (3:06:24 hrs)
billiard ball control with feet (1:03:21 hrs)
Longest time controlling a tennis ball with a racket frame (2:15 hrs)
most American football touches with the feet in one minute (106)

Christian Adam (Germany): CHRISTIANS WEB HOMEPAGE
cycling backwards (113.3 km [70 mi 400 yd])
cycling backwards while playing a violin (60,45 km [37 mi 1000 yd]) PHOTO / QUICKTIME VIDEO (640 kB) / AVI VIDEO (840 kB)

David Adamovich, The Great Throwdini (USA) HOMEPAGE
fastest knife thrower (five records)

Agim Agushi (Kosovo):
walking while heading a soccer ball (15.356 km [9 mi 857 yd])
running up and down stairs while heading a soccer ball (1920 steps walking upstairs,1860 steps walking downstairs)
heading a soccer ball, doubles passing (11111 in 3:55:20 hrs, together with Bujar Ajeti)
heading a soccer ball in a sitting position  (4:02:01 hours)

Walter Anderlik (Germany):
longest wooden chain made from one single piece of wood (25 m [27 yd 1 ft] long) DETAILS

Yogesh Barnela (India):
smallest spinning wheel (6 mm (length), 7 mm (width) and 5.5 mm (height)) DETAILS

fastest strait jacket escape (24 seconds)

Rolf Becker (Germany):
street organ playing (48 hours) DETAILS (in German language),
largest bottle opener (2.5 m [8 ft 2 in] long, 35 kg [64 lb])

Larry and Dallys Arias Beebe (USA):
have collected banknotes from 217 different countries

David Begiashvili (Georgia)
doing 268 sit-ups in 5 minutes
doing 1,430 sit-ups in 30 minutes DAVID'S HOMEPAGE

Benji le Fakir (Germany):
jumping into broken glass from 1.16 m [3 ft 9 1/2  in] DETAILS (in German language)

Roy Berger (Canada):
1 hour push-ups DETAILS

Ing. Arnulf Bietsch (Germany):
largest collection of yard-sticks (>30,000)

Thomas Blacke (USA):
speed balloon modelling and escapology

Thomas Blackthorne (USA): THOMAS' HOMEPAGE
weight lifting with tongue (12 kg)
several sword swallowing records

Lauren and David Blair (USA):
have renewed their wedding vows a record 66 times

Peter Both (Germany):
stacking matches on a bottleneck (10000), DETAILS AND PHOTO
smallest spinning-wheel (3.65 cm (1 7/16 in) high, wheel-diameter 1.2 cm), DETAILS
smallest tobacco-pipe (25 mm long)

Joop Bouwman (Netherlands):
largest collection of ball-point pens (130,000; now sold)

Zdenek Bradac (Czech Republic): ZDENEK'S HOMEPAGE
fastest escape from handcuffs (1.66 sec) DETAILS
sorting a deck of 52 playing cards (36.16 seconds) DETAILS
juggling three balls blindfolded (25.3 sec)
juggling three balls whilst suspended (97.5 sec)
most eggs held in one hand (20)
most golf balls held in one hand (22)
fastest juggling: most catches of 3 balls in one minute (339)
card magic: most Charlier cuts in one minute (73)

Stuart Burrell (Great Britain) STUART's WEB SITE
escaping from 301 pairs of handcuffs in an hour and from a single pair in 10 seconds
most squat thrusts in one minute (23)
squat lifting (8,400 kg in one hour)

Martin Bukovsek (Germany)
motionlessness (16:16:16 hrs.),DETAILS AND PHOTO
largest human pyramid (180 persons) PHOTO

Terry Burrows (Great Britain)
fastest windown cleaner (has cleaned three standard 1.143 x 1.143 mm (45 x 45 in) office windows in 9.91 sec) DETAILS

Michael Cambell (USA)
1338 successful basketball free-throws in one hour

Wilson Casey (USA)
most trivia questions in a radio show DETAILS

Matthew J. Cassiere (Matt The Knife) (USA) MATT's WEB SITE
escaping from a pair of handcuffs in 5 seconds
escaping from a pair of handcuffs in 11.1 seconds while underwater
longest duration of fire torch teething (23 seconds)
most people fire torch teething simultaneously (three)
fastest escape from a strait jacket (18.9 sec)
fastest fire eater (46 torches in one minute)
fastest one-hand card cutter (57 Charlier cuts in one minute)

Skip Chase (USA)
110,915 sit-ups in 24 hours

Chen Yu Pei (China)
smallest abacus (11.5 mm x 5 mm)
smallest model globe (5.3 mm height, diameter of the sphere: 1.9 mm)
smallest china teapot (4 mm [0.015 in.] at its full height, can be filled with 0.03 ml water)
smallest working pair of scissors (1.75 mm [0.068 in] long, 1.38 mm [0.054 in] wide)

Richard Chenoweth, Dan Walker and Brian Peterson (USA)
longest distance navigated on jet-ski in open sea (1484 km [922,2 mi])

Georges Christen (Luxemburg): DETAILS
hot-water bottle bursting with lung power (12.6 sec)
spike bending (368 iron nails in one hour)
pulling a railway carriage (20 t [20.5 tons]) with teeth (200 m [220 yd])
pulling a bus (12.38 t [13.65 tons]) with teeth (28.50 m [31 yd 6 in] )
lifting a 100 kilogram pot 27 times in one minute with his teeth

 Terry Coleman (USA):
singing hymns for 40:17 hours

Kevin Cook (USA): DETAILS
largest collection of dice (more than 14,000)

Ted Coombs (USA) TEDS HOMEPAGE (englisch)
roller skating across the US in both directions

Alberto Coto (Spain): ALBERTO'S HOMEPAGE (in Spanisch language)
fastest time for adding together 100 single-digit numbers (19.23 sec)

Herbert C. Delfs (Germany):
longest noodle (865 m [946 yd])

Paddy Doyle (Great Britain):
171 records for fitness and martial arts DETAILS

Edeltraut Dreier (Germany):
largest collection of kitchen-timers (more than 980) DETAILS

Meike Duch and Andreas Lietzow (Germany) MEIKE'S AND ANDREAS' WEB SITE (in German language)
24 hours joggling relay (joggling is a combination of juggling and jogging: running while juggling three balls, distance covered: 176.6828 km [109.79 mi])
Rolling basket balls in a circle over the body (across the chest from one hand to the other and there give over the ball from the fintertimps of one hand to the other one) 96 in one minute, 91 with two balls in one minute.

Marianne Dumjahn (Germany):
largest collection of sugar bags (more than 303,000) MARIANNE's HOMEPAGE (in German language)

Gary Duschl (USA):
longest gum wrapper chain (19.3 km [63,527 ft] long) GARY'S HOMEPAGE

six giant vegetable records (broccoli, romanesco: 19 kg [35 lb], carrot: 10,314 kg [18.985 lb], chard: 38.98 kg [71.75 lb], kohlrabi: 21.46 kg [39.5 lb], garden beet: 23.22 kg [42.75 lb], red cabbage: 24.58 kg [45.25 lb], kale: 15.2 kg [28 lb])

John Evans (Great Britain): JOHN's HOMEPAGE
records for balancing almost anything on his head (95 milk crates, 101 house bricks and much more)

Gisela Ewald (Germany):
endurance typing (276 hrs.)

Hans Fankhauser (Austria):
largest wooden ash-tray HANS' HOMEPAGE

Werner Fitterling (Germany): WERNER'S HOMEPAGE
longest dumpling (100.6 m [110 ft] long)
spaetzle making (25 hours)

Jan van Deurs Forman (Denmark): JAN'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)
smoke ring blowing (355 smoke rings formed from the lips from a single pull of a cigarette)
memory records (93 binary digits in one minute memorised, 128 digits spoken at a rate of one digit per second, 324 written numbers memorised in 5 minutes and 1920 written numbers memorised in one hour)

kinetic artist

Holger Freelandt (Switzerland):
domino stacking (324 dominoes on top of a single vertical one) DETAILS AND PHOTO

Stefan Gauler (Switzerland):
one hour unicycling (21290 m [13 mi 1209 ft] on a standard unicycle PHOTO, 16048 m (9 mi 1714 yd) on a "giraffe" unicycle PHOTO)
24 hrs. unicycling (279,274 km [173 mi 1003 yd])

Walter Gerber (Switzerland)
biggest sword (4.86 m [15 ft 11 in] long, 192 kg [353 lb]) DETAILS

Maurizio Giuliano (Italy) DETAILS
youngest person to visit all sovereign countries

Peter Gläßer (Germany): PETER GLÄSSER'S HOMEPAGE
largest "smoking man" for pastilles (insence sticks) (2.48 m [8 ft 2 in] high) PHOTO

Al Gliniecki (USA): AL'S HOMEPAGE
cherry stem knotting (911 in one hour, 39 in 3 minutes, 14 in one minute)

Tom Glöß (Germany):
largest "smoking man" for pastilles (insence sticks) (2.31 m [7 ft 7 in] high),
smallest "smoking man" for pastilles (52 mm high) PHOTO
largest musical box (figures 2 m tall)

Kevin Godden (Great Britain):
largest collection of tie-pins (more than 4,000)

Dean Gould (Great Britain):
coin snatching (328) and beer mat throwing (2,204) in the same style DETAILS
beer mat flipping (111 with one hand and 65 with both hands), DETAILS
pancake tossing (399 in 2 minutes) DETAILS AND PHOTO
stamp licking (235 in 5 minutes) DETAILS
needle threeding (3471 times within 2 hours) DETAILS
eating 63 grapes with a plastic teaspoon in one minute
eating 51 grains of rice with chopsticks in three minutes
eating 113 pieces of sweetcorn with a cocktail stick in three minutes
eating three dry cream crackers (3:07 minutes)
picking 50 winkles from their shells (1:22 minutes)

Brad Graham (Canada): BRAD'S HOMEPAGE
tallest two-wheeled bicycle (4.43 m [14 ft 3 in] tall)

Dr. Frank Grätz (Germany):
largest collection of Doctor thesises (more than 121,000) DR. GRÄTZ HOMEPAGE (in German language)

Stephan Gruber (Germany):
table football, singles (50 hours)
table football, doubles (83:48 hours)
sorting a deck of 52 playing cards (45.4 seconds) DETAILS
calendar memorising (computing the days of the week for 21 days from 1600-2100 in one minute) DETAILS

Carsten Gutzeit (Germany) CARSTEN's HOMEPAGE (in German language)
largest collection of toothpaste (more than 1,000 tubes)

Pieter de Hart (Netherlands):
backwards cycling (1 hour: 26.948 km [16.7 mi] and 50 km in 2:00:08 hr) DETAILS

Harald Hel (Austria) DETAILS
records for scooter driving (100 km in 4:30 hrs and 200 km in 10:40 hrs)
fastest trans-Australia scooter crossing (in 9 days)
riding a scooter at an altitude of 5602 m

Eduardo Dinis Henriques (Portugal)
largest permanent coin mural (15.37 sq m) DETAILS

Gero Hilliger (Germany):
fastest cartoonist (one portrait in 6.2 seconds, 384 portraits in 90 minutes, one portrait in 48.7 seconds while blindfolded) DETAILS, SAMPLE PORTRAITS AND VIDEO

Adrian Hilton (Great Britain):
non-stop recital of the Complete Works of Shakespeare (110:46 hrs) DETAILS

Bernd Höhle (Germany): HOMEPAGE
pushups on sharp swords (8)
several martial arts records

Franz Huber (Germany): HOMEPAGE
sword swallowing (several records)

Doug Hunt (Canada): DOUG'S HOMEPAGE
tallest stilts (15.47 m [50 ft 9 in] tall)
most people stilt-walking, organizer (625)

Rolf Jarschel (Germany):
largest cigarette lighter (2.435 m high), PHOTO
smallest cigar lighter (8.23 mm x 8.75 mm)

Poul Lykke Jepsen (Denmark)
largest lolly sticks collection POUL'S HOMEPAGE

Gerd Junghans (Germany)
biggest hammer (6.37 m [20 ft 10 in] long, 2.20 m [7 ft 3 in] tall)
biggest rattle (2,58 m long, 3,04 m tall)
biggest mousetrap (4,20 m x 2,07 m)
biggest broom (7,62 m long, 1,85 m wide)
biggest rake (7 m long, 2,33 m wide)

Haji Javed Iqbal Khokhar (Pakistan)
biggest padlock (height: 3.505 m [11 1/2 in], width: 1.37 m [14 1/2 in], depth: 63.5 cm [25 in]) DETAILS
biggest ventilator (13.70 m [45 ft] tall)

Muhamed Kahrimanovic (Germany): DETAILS (in German language)
most coco-nuts broken in one minute using his bare hand (69)

Michal Kapral (Canada) MICHAL'S HOMEPAGE
marathon running while pushing a baby-jogger (2:49:43 hrs)
10 km joggling (running while juggling three balls) (36:27 min)
Marathon joggling (running a full marathon while juggling three balls) (2:57:52.2 hrs)

Mag. Andreas Kastler (Austria):
largest table (organiser) (3200 m long)

Josef Kau (Germany):
largest collection of briquettes (2560 different) PHOTO

Matthias Kesselschläger (Germany):
calendar computing (records in three categories for calendar computing) DETAILS

Ramesh Khachi (India):
Static Wall Sit (11:02 hours) DETAILS

Hartmut Kiele (Germany):
soccer ball balancing on the head (45:32 min.) DETAILS

Nico Klooss (Germany)
stool run (1 mile in 5:41:50 hrs) DETAILS

Karsten Köhler (Germany): KARSTEN'S RUNNING BLOG
fastest marathon / half marathon dressed as a paramedic (3:58:17 hr / 1:34:20 hr)
most countries visited by bicycle in 24 hours (5)

Jan van Koningsveld (Germany):
multiplying two 5-digit numbers (10 tasks in 3:06 minutes)

Friedrich Konrad (Austria):
beer keg lifting (158 kg [349 lb]) PHOTO

Jürgen Kopmann (Germany):
playing games on a computer (166 hrs.)

Peter Koppen (Germany):
paper ship folding (200,000) DETAILS AND PHOTOS

Ralf Laue (Germany):
largest fan of cards (326 cards in one hand, colour and value of each one visible), DETAILS AND PHOTO
longest rebus (37,42 m [40 yd 2 ft 9 in] long, 272 pictures),
largest magic square (2121 X 2121 numbers), DETAILS
domino stacking (555 dominoes on top of a vertical one) DETAILS AND PHOTO
calendar memorising (computing the days of the week for the 365 days of a year, which are listed "shuffled together", in 222 sec. without errors) DETAILS,
letter opening (1000 within 29:03 min.) DETAILS AND PHOTO
pancake tossing (416 in 3 minutes) DETAILS AND PHOTO
speed balloon modeling (100 in 15:35 minutes) DETAILS AND PHOTO
longest web page (563.62 km [350 mi 323 yd]) HERE IS IT!
sorting a deck of 52 playing cards (53.2 seconds) DETAILS
most translated web page (107 languages) DETAILS
longest charade (444 questions) DETAILS (in German language)
stacking 117 nails on top of a single nail DETAILS
sorting 3 Rubik's Cubes while blindfolded and also one Rubik's Cube in 5:42 min while blindfolded DETAILS
memorising 32 binary digits in 3 sec DETAILS
memorising 148 binary digits in one minute
fastest tiddlywink solo mile (42:38 min) and longest distance tiddlywinking (4.255 km [2.64 mi]]  DETAILS
fastest Jenga tower built to 30 levels (8:19 min) DETAILS

Martin Läuter (Germany):
stacking matches on a bottleneck (1340) DETAILS AND PHOTO

Darryl Learie (Kanada) DARRYL'S HOMEPAGE
most balloons blown up in one hour (446) DETAILS
most balloons blown up in one hour (2501) VIDEO
seven one-armed pushups with his hand on a raw egg VIDEO

Uwe Lenhardt (Germany): UWE'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)

speed balloon modeling (1403 "animals" in 6 hrs, 2228 in 10 hours) DETAILS

Charles Linster (USA):
push-ups, non-stop (6006) DETAILS

Lori Lynn Lomeli (USA)
spinning 82 hula hoops simultaneously for three complete revolutions LORI'S HOMEPAGE

Jürgen Löschner (Germany):
largest collection of nut crackers (more than 4,300),
biggest nut cracker (5.87 m [6 yd 1 ft 3 in] tall) DETAILS AND PHOTO

Alfred Manthe (Germany):
largest collection of cigar bands (200,000)

Alvaro de Marichalar (Spain): Homepage
longest distance navigated on jet-ski in open sea

Raymond "The Bison" Meduna (USA):
eating 22 doughnuts in 1:39 minutes

Gert Mittring (Germany):
memorizing 22 digits in 4 sec. and 30 binary digits in 3 sec. DETAILS
calculating the square root of a six-digit number to eight significant numbers (44.7 sec) DETAILS
fastest extraction of a 13th root from a 100-digit number (39.0 sec) DETAILS
calendar memorising (computing the days of the week for 20 days from 1600-2100 in one minute) DETAILS

Monty (USA):
vanished and reproduced one by one a total of 15 sponge balls each measuring 5.08 cm [2 in] DETAILS

Peter Moreno (Germany)
most different voices by a ventriloquist (ten) Peter Moreno's Homepage (in German language)

Stefano Morselli (Italy):
backwards running (400 m in 1:16.92 min, 800 m in 2:57.39 min, 2000 m in 8:36 min, 3000 m in 12:48 min) Stefano's Homepage

Gianni Mucignat (Germany):
ice ball stacking (539 ice balls on one waffle)

Gerriet Müller (Germany):
smallest hot air balloon modell (205 mm 8 in high, weight 3.5 g (2 dr)
smallest steam ship modell (103 mm long 4 in, weight 38 g 1 3/8 oz)

Dr. Muhammad Mustansar (Pakistan):
largest collection of pacifiers (more than 2,200)

Manfred Nüscheler (Switzerland): DETAILS AND PHOTO
roller cycling (maximal power: 2378 Watt for 5 seconds)

Joseph Odhiambo (USA): JOSEPH'S HOMEPAGE
dribbling six basketballs simultaneously
juggling three basketballs while shooting 42 layups in one minute

Günter Offermann (Germany):
largest bottle cap collection (103,000 from 177 countries) PHOTO

Dror Orpaz and Carmit Tsubara (Israel):
longest kiss (30:45 hrs) DETAILS

Rob Peterson (USA):
most consecutive tennis serves (8,017 in 10:07 hours)
most tennis serves in one hour (1,291)
longest tennis rally (15,674 shots in 9:10 hours)
longest tennis rally with two balls (2,789)
longest distance traveled while bouncing a tennis ball

Dirk Petzold (Germany)
has visited 999 zoological gardens in 18 countries DIRK'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)

Enzo Paolo (Germany): HOMEPAGE (in German language)
Diabolo throw for high (standard: 24.47 m, freestyle: 29.55 m) PHOTO
dice stacking (23) PHOTO

Madaka Hari Prasad (India)
Records for mental calculation: calculating the square root of a six-digit number to eight significant numbers in 63.8 sec DETAILS

Doug Pruden (Canada): several records for pushups

Phillip Queller (USA):
12 hours golf (276 holes)

Chris and Erin Ratay (USA)
longest motorcycle tour by a couple (163,061 km [101,322 miles] ) DETAILS

Karl-Eugen Reck (Germany):
30 min. bench press with 50 kg weight: (1107),
30 min. bench press with 40 kg weight: (1435) as a member of a record breaking team of four
press-ups 30 min. (1886) , 15 min. (1028), 5 min. (435)

Bimla Rishi (India):
shortest valid will (4 characters (2 words) in Hindi)
longest lease of a building (99999999 years 364 days)

Guinness Rishi (India):
nonstop motorycle driving (1001 hrs non-stop with a team of three)
longest will (104567 words, 489 pages) ...MORE RECORD CLAIMS BY GUINNESS RISHI

Sumit Parkash Rishi (India):
shortest valid will (3 characters (2 words) in Hindi)

Peter Rosendahl (Sweden) PETER'S HOMEPAGE
various unicycling records, including:
100 m sprint with a flying and with a standing start (12.11 sec. / 11.43 sec)
skip-roping on a unicylce in 1 minute
smallest ridable unicycle (20 cm tall)
climbing up stairs on a unicycle
longest distance backwards on a unicycle (75 km)

Jacek Roszkowski (Poland) JACEK'S HOMEPAGE
17 consecutive basketball points while heading the ball

Ernst Roth (Switzerland): PHOTO
four records for largest vegetables, e. g. largest white cabbage (28,1 kg),

Winfried Ruloffs & Otto Troppmann (Germany): HOMEPAGE (in German language)
largest bicycle (4.5 m long, 2.10 m high),
largest motorcycle (3.45 m long, 2.25 m high)
smallest tandem (22 cm long), PHOTO
largest tandem (3.45 m long, 1.40 m high),
largest bagpipe (2.5 m long) PHOTO
biggest knife and fork

Cathy C. Runyan- Svacina and Larry Svacina (USA): DETAILS
largest marble tournament (569 competititors)
largest marble collection (about one million)

Salvatore Sabatino (Germany) SALVATORE'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)
speed balloon modeling (553 balloon shapes in one hour and 100 dogs in 12:52 min, balloons blown up by mouth) DETAILS

Kevin and Julia Sanders (Great Britain): KEVIN AND JULIA'S HOMEPAGE
world circumnavigation on a motorcycle (19 days 8 hrs 25 min)
trans-America ride on a motorcycle (Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina)

Roman Schedler (Austria): DETAILS, PHOTOS UNS VIDEOS
hula-hoop with tractor tyre weighting 24 kg (53 lb) for 71 sec.,
largest hula hoop (10 m [11 yd] circumference),
100 m running with a hoop (13.84 sec.)

Johann Schneider (Austria)
112 press-ups with hands on raw eggs QUICKTIME VIDEO (640 kB) / AVI VIDEO (840 kB)

Ralf Schüler (Germany):
stuffing people in a balloon (23) RALF'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)

Thomas Schuster (Jumping Jo) (Germany): THOMAS' HOMEPAGE (in German language)
stamp licking (238 in 5 minutes)
side jumping
banana snapping

Rainer Schröder (Germany): DETAILS about his fakir- and powershow (in German language)
iron bar bending (five 12 mm Ø bars in 54.44 sec)
bed of broken glass with a 1011.5 kg [2233 lb] weight on his chest

Dieter Senft (Germany):
largest bicycle (7.8 m [25 ft 7 in] long, 3.7 m [12 ft 2 in] high), DETAILS AND PHOTOS
smallest tridem (54.5 cm [1 ft 9 1/2 in] long), THE NEW RECORD (in German language)
highest coffee-grinder (3.29 m [10 ft 9 1/2 in] high), PHOTO
longest pedal car (13.30 m [43 ft 4 in] long) PHOTO
longest scooter (18.28 m [60 ft] long)
longest bicycle (25.22 m [82 ft 8 1/2 in] long)
biggest rikshaw (12.38 m [40 1/2 ft] long )
longest yard-stick (22 m [72 ft7 in] long) PHOTO
smallest scooter (70 mm [ 2 3/4 in] long)
biggest working padlock (3.38 m x 1.33 m) DETAILS

Garie Sim (Singapur): GARIE'S HOMEPAGE
smallest teddy bear (1 mm [1/24 in])
smallest snow globe (diameter 10 mm)

Steve Spalding (USA):
speed grape catching (55 in one minute, 1189 in 30 minutes) DETAILS

Dorothea Spohler-Claußen (Germany)
has visited 149 theme parks in 12 countries DETAILS (in German language)

Les Stewart (Australia):
typing the numbers from one to one million in words DETAILS AND PHOTOS

Rob Surette (USA)
largest Lite-Brite mosaic (513,000 pegs) ROB'S HOMEPAGE

Uday Mahadeo Talwalkar
largest typewritten "painting" (6.50 m x 4 m [21.4 ft x 13.3 ft])

Rev Dr Donald Thomas (USA) DONALD'S HOMEPAGE
longest sermon (93 hrs)
longest after-dinner speech (32:20 hrs)

Tip Top Till (Germany): TILL'S HOMEPAGE (in German language)
speed balloon modeling (1616 "animals" in 6 hours, 100 dogs in 19:12 min. on stilts and 100 dogs in 21:52 min. behind his back) DETAILS

Jessica and Peggy Traber (Germany) HOMEPAGE (in German language)
high wire motorcycling: longest distance (1150 m), longest distance blindfolded (156 m), most salto mortale (21)

Triwengos, Bicycling / Juggling Show (Switzerland)
smallest tridem (44.5 cm [1 ft 5 1/2 in] long) Triwengos' Homepage (in German language)

John Turmel (Canada):
most elections contested (and lost): 51  DETAILS

Heinrich Uhlendorf (Germany):
largest sand collection (2710 sorts of sand from all the world)

Angelika Unverhau (Germany):
largest collection of ball-point pens (more than 220,000) DETAILS

Dinesh Upadhyaya (India):DINESH'S HOMEPAGE
shortest legal will (one word, three letters)
most table-tennis balls held underwater (14) VIDEO
most golf balls stuffed in the mouth (5) VIDEO
most table tennis balls stuffed in the mouth (6) VIDEO
eating 15 Ferrero Rocher (2:18 minutes) VIDEO
eating grapes, one minute (205) VIDEO
most grapes stuffed in the mouth (89) VIDEO

Niek Vermeulen (Netherlands):
largest collection of airsickness bags (more than 3,700 from more than 800 airlines) DETAILS

Yusnier Viera Romero (Cuba):
calendar computing (two records) DETAILS

Manfred Wagner (Switzerland):
juggling with a ball weighting 3 kg [ 5 1/2 lb] (5500 kicks), PHOTO
tennis ball juggling (1:26 hrs.), VIDEO (AVI, 1 MB)
100 m football juggling (15.9 sec)

Dieter Wesch (Germany):
had 9,500 hitch-hikers in his car

Stan Willis (USA):
largest collection of handcuffs and restraints (1360) STAN'S HOMEPAGE

Sybille Wischgoll (Germany): SYBILLE'S HOMEPAGE
spent 24 hours in a box measuring 0.6 m x 0.7 m x 0.8 m [ 2 ft x 2 ft 4 in x 2 ft 7 in] with three snakes
walking on broken glass (843.3 m [922 1/2 yd] in one hour)

Steve Woodmore (Great Britain):
fastest talker (595 words in 56.01 sec) Steve's Homepage with DETAILS AND SOUND SAMPLES

Terry Wooten (USA):
pulling a 16,000-ton cruise ship

Fan Yang (Canada):
biggest soap-bubble 47.5 m (156 ft) long Fan Yang's Homepage with DETAILS AND PHOTOS

largest collection of  Hot Wheels model cars

Lieder Youth Theatre Company Goulburn (Australia):
line dancing on stilts (34 dancers)

20 former students from IH Köthen:
indoor soccer marathon (120 hrs.)

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