Record Book Collectors Home

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Ressources for record book collectors

If you are searching for books about world records or want to sell some, you should send an e-mail to, and we will add your swaps / offers to this WWW page.

If you specify your "Guinness Book of Records" swaps, please note that the date of publication and the date appearing on the editor's front cover are not always the same.


A list of UK editions can be found HERE. is the best available web site for Guinness Book collectors.

Record Book Collectors

Ralf Laue, Germany,
Steve Millington, Great Britain,
Julian White, Great Britain,
Barry Rigby, Great Britain,
Russell Hinks, Australia,
Dunk Lamont, Great Britain,
Allan Deeds, Great Britain,
Guinness Rishi, India,
Darrin Stills, USA,
Robert Marshall, South Africa,
Liam Jones, Great Britain,
Peter Brown, Great Britain,
Ann Money, Great Britain,
Peter Taylor, Great Britain,
Niek Vermeulen, Netherlands,
Walter Baumgarnter, Austria,

Guinness Books of Records for Sale

David Moody (New Zealand) sells a complete set of British editions!,
Premier Books and Prints: the largest stockist of Guinness titles in the UK,
Robert Davies sells his collection,

Guinness Collectors

If you are not just interested in the Guinness Book of Records, but also in other Guinness Collectables, you should visit

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books about FIRSTS and inventions|REGIONAL record books| books about LISTS|
Ressources for record book collectors