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Subject:      the most toxic marine plant
From:         Donald M. Anderson
Date:         Mon, 11 Jan 1999 14:54:33 -0500  
Mailing List:

        We just received the message below.  Hopefully some of you out
there can provide some interesting superlatives and details on the most
potent marine algal toxins, the one respoonsible for the most mortalities,
etc.  These details  will put one or several of our  HAB species into the
Guinness Book of records.  If you have some input to provide (including
literature citations), send it to
Bruce and I will collate answers and then post them to Phycotoxins  at the
same time we respond to the editor.

        Don Anderson

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>     Dear bkeafer,
>     I am putting together the section of the Guinness Book of Records 2000
>     on Dangerous and Strange Plantlife and have been asked to include some
>     entries for "most toxic...". For "the most toxic marine plant" I
>     wondered if here was one particular alga acknowledged as having the
>     most potent toxin...or if there is one that has been responsible for
>     the largest number of deaths or outbreaks of sickness or any other
>     superlative category concerning harmful algae?
>     If you think there are any candidates, I would be most grateful to
>     hear from you. (If you have supporting evidence...a refernce or
>     similar. that would also be most helpful). If you can't help, do you
>     perhaps know someone who might. I am afraid that I have only until
>     next Tuesday to deliver! Sorry for the late request.
>     Yours
>     Stephanie Pain
>     Associate Editor
>     New Scientist
>     44-171-331-2786
>     (home) 44-181-995-6360


Donald M. Anderson
Biology Department
Mail Stop 32, Redfield 332
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole MA 02543-1049 USA

Voice:    1 508 289 2351
Fax:      1 508 457 2134

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