World Record Festival Linz 1997
The 3rd SAXONIA Record Festival was held in Linz, Austria.
The event was well organised by the City Tourist Board Linz.
World Records broken at our Record Festival
Christian Fluch (Austria) changed all four wheels of a car without using electric tools within 6:26 minutes.
Rainer Wollendorfer (Austria) jumped 132 times on the front wheel of his mountain bike. Richard Vobr cycled
19.3 m (21 yd 4 in) backwards on his tandem's front wheel.
Friedrich Konrad (Austria) lifted a 153 kg (337 lb) beer keg, beating the record of George Olesen (Denmark) -
established at our 2nd record festival 1996 - by 1 kg. Georges Christen (Luxemburg) blew up a rubber hot-water
bottle in 12.6 sec. Ralf Laue (Germany) established new world records for domino stacking (529 dominoes on top of a single vertical one) and for
pancake tossing (416 tosses in 2 minutes).

Open to all comers was a 25 m office chair race (winning time: 6.2 seconds) and the SAXONIA-Pentathlon. The
Pentathlon winner was Herbert Krischak. Here are his results: 12.60 m (13 yd 2 1/3 ft) for cherry stone spitting,
1:51 minutes for 5 kg beer stein holding, 8.35 m (9 yd 5 in) for matchstick throwing, a 1.45 m (1 yd 1 ft 9 in)
standing backwards jump 51.8 s for the 100 m egg and spoon race.
There was also an inline skaters' chain and fireworks lighted by parachutists. A lot of record breaking smallest
tools and largest objects from our guests from La Tour Blanche (France) was exhibited.
Because of the success, there will be a record festival in Linz in 1999 too. Suggestions for new records are
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Report about our 2nd Record Festival 1996 in Flensburg (in German